Hi-Tec Intelligence

Hi-Tec Intelligence

Hi-Tec Intelligence (“Intel”) is a very cool business tool. It allows Hi-Tec stakeholders to run overarching financial reports while also allowing sales representatives to sign-in and run reports on their segment of data.

This project was built from the ground up using ASP.Net and the Entity Framework. The frontend leveraged Bootstrap and Less to make front-end development fast, easy, and effective.

Unfortunately, all of the data is very private and so are most of the ways the data is sorted and reported on. It’s very unfortunate because we really want to show off what Intelligence can do, but we can’t show you any of it.

What we can tell you is that the reporting was well thought out at each user level. Administrators have access to global reports that aggregate the important numbers for their use. Lower level users have access to more generic reports that only show their segment of data. Every report has the ability to slice, filter, sort, and segment data in all the important ways.

Every report can also be exported to excel for the do-it-yourself type.

Intelligence also has an Inventory Availability feature that allows users to see when inventory will become available and in what quantities. This allows representatives and their customers to effectively plan forward orders and inventory for upcoming seasons. Boss integrated with this system to allow B2B customers access to forward inventory availability.

Hi-Tec Intel provides much needed financial and inventory analysis to those who need it most. Making this data available to sub-sections of the business is invaluable. Intel is a huge step forward in business analysis for Hi-Tec shoes.

Hi-Tec Intelligence Testimonials

I've worked with Jesse since 2006. This guy is a serious guru and having worked with a number of web developers over the years, he's up there in the top few.
Luke Barlow - Hi-Tec
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